Saturday, August 8, 2009

New ads target Blue Dogs who voted against against health care reform

The three Blue Dog Democrats who voted against the health care reform bill last week in the Energy and Commerce Committee are the targets of ad campaigns in their home districts over recess. Political Action will run radio ads in the districts of John Barrow (D-GA), Jim Matheson (D-UT) and Charlie Melancon (D-LA), all of whom voted against the bill in committee last Friday, July 31st.

The radio ads will air in their Congressional districts beginning Wednesday August 5th, and lay out the real cost to citizens in these districts when their leaders side with special interests and vote to stop health care reform.

Hear the ads below, and then see the facts.

"Today in Georgia"

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To download the mp3 file of the ad, just right-click on the link and select "Download linked file".

"Today in Louisiana"

To embed this radio ad player on your site, just copy this code:

To download the mp3 file of the ad, just right-click on the link and select "Download linked file".

"Today in Utah"

To embed this radio ad player on your site, just copy this code:

To download the mp3 file of the ad, just right-click on the link and select "Download linked file".